


At Oncology North Coast we value working together to provide training to the next generation of oncology leaders. Our oncologists provide Advanced Trainees in Medical Oncology and Medical

Students with the highest level of cancer education and learning. The practice has a strong track record in this area, and our efforts have been recognized by the Universities of Western Sydney, Sydney and University Centre of Rural Health.  

The practice has been an accredited training site, approved by the Royal Australasian college of Physicians, since 2014. This accreditation is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the oncologists. By investing in the education and training of medical students, we are not only helping to improve the future of oncology care, but also giving back to the community of the Northern Rivers. 

Dr Amy Scott is an academic leader at Oncology North Coast and her position as Clinical Sub Dean and Medical Discipline Coordinator at the University Centre for Rural Health ensures that our trainees receive the most up-to-date learning, which in turn improves the overall care for all our patients at the practice.

The medical oncologists at this practice participate in international and national cancer conferences, attend professional development and peer review and teach every week during the medical student rotations.